Adam S. Harwood, DMD The tooth fairy may have been on to something when he started collecting baby teeth from young children in exchange for loose change. Right now, stem cell researchers see great promise and value in teeth, especially baby teeth, chiefly for the abundant number and quality of the stem cells cached away […]
Dentistry Today The House of Representatives passed the Action for Dental Health Act of 2017 (HR 2422) by a vote of 387-13 on February 26. Co-authored by Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-IL) and dentist and Congressman Mike Simpson(R-ID), it authorizes $18 million annually for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Oral Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Programs and […]
Ms. Engelhardt-Nash There are influential moments when opportunities occur to discuss and validate your treatment options with patients. Finding occasions to introduce and sustain the perception of quality care is the responsibility of every team member. From vital social media exposure to the initial moment of telephone contact and post-treatment continuing care visits, the team […]
Most of us have seen our dentist regularly or at least from time to time when we experience dental issues. Yet many people are still unaware of the various services our dentists offer. Here is a video that summarizes most of the popular services our general dentist and specialists provide.
Dr. Michael Ruscio When was the last time you spoke to your dentist about your gut health? If the answer is never, don’t worry. It’s unfortunately not a topic brought up in the dental office, even though it should be. When we think of gut health, we think of the usual —gas, indigestion, bloating. But […]
Connie Brichford Medically Reviewed by Sanjai Sinha, MD Your teeth and the structure of your mouth play important roles in your ability to eat, speak, and stay healthy. Each type of tooth has a slightly different shape and performs a different job. Most of us take our teeth for granted — until something goes wrong. Not […]
Dr Joseph R Nemeth WHAT CAUSES BLACK TRIANGLES BETWEEN YOUR TEETH? So you’ve noticed there’s a black space between your teeth that’s shaped like a triangle. It didn’t used to be there and then it was just kinda small and now it’s a pretty big gap. WHAT is going on? Are your teeth separating? Probably not. Are they […]
Dr. Mark Burhenne Wisdom teeth are one of the biggest mysteries of the mouth. Why? Because we don’t know exactly when and how they’re going to grace us with their presence. Every person has a different experience with wisdom teeth and there aren’t any hard or fast rules to when or how they’ll come in. Some people […]
Dr. James R. Nemeth There are many forms of self-expression, art, writing, fashion, even body piercing. When it comes to oral piercings, however–such as lip, labret, cheek and tongue piercings–it’s important to know all the risks involved. Know The Risks Before You Pierce Piercing anywhere near the mouth is very different than simply piercing an […]
Classic Smiles Dental Have you already heard of dental veneers? Over the years, more and more people have been encouraged to try this cosmetic dentistry service. Proven results show that, a beautiful smile transformation can happen and that Hollywood smile that you have always wanted can be yours! A smile can create a positive […]